[Mind] Games

Types of Manipulation

Manipulation is a form of deceiving in which you get someone to do what you want them to do. There are many types of manipulation and they include:

  1. Using Sympathy and Guilt: By making the other person feel guilty and sympathetic, the person using this tactic is able to get what he/she wants. As humans, we feel bad for people who are in difficult circumstances. We try to help them out by doing whatever it is they ask.  
  2. Making Themselves Seem Indifferent: When a person distances him/herself from you, you try to break into that and ask them more questions. In this way, that person is able to get you to do what they want. You continuously ask them questions, and they can tell you what they want without having to actually say it out loud. In this way, they are able to manipulate you to feel bad for them and try to make them feel better. 
  3. Criticism to Gain Control: This type of manipulation uses belittling on the other person. The manipulator criticizes the other person in a way that makes them feel incompetent and unworthy. Using intimidation, they make us doubt what we know and feel. Somehow, they make us feel as if the only correct person in the world is them. By using criticism and belittling us, we doubt our every action. For some reason, their criticism and cause for self-doubt makes them superior to us, making us listen to only them. 
  4. Using Intimidation: By making us fear them and what they've done in the past, we give into them. We refuse to call them out on their manipulative ways, because we fear what they will do to us.